Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!

I thought you should all see me at my finest. A lifelong dream is realized... I have always wanted to be the Wicked Witch of the West for Halloween but I never quite get to the green makeup or fake nose/chin. This year I did it... and I won a prize at the party!!! I scared small children all night. I also received several comments about how I really should have supported the organizers and dressed up. Hardy har har. "I'll get you my pretties, and your little dog TOO!!"
Have a great night!

We are the Witches of the East and the West. Abby was trying to look evil but I think she just comes across as uber-cute.


  1. Oh Jen - I just LOVE the costume!!! You are amazing and you did a spooktacular job on the face :) Bravo!

  2. Nice work, dear sister!!! Cool treats as well -- you are WAY too cool to be related to me!!!
    - Smacks-to-the-butts-of-those-you-love

  3. This is so amazing Jen!!! I bet your face was sure itchy though!

  4. EEEXXCellleeentttt, jennnnnnifffeeeerrrrr :)
    You have done well. What's next on your list of lifelong wishes???

    Carrie Mallett ;) in cognito

  5. love it!!!! love it!!!! and LOVE IT!!!

  6. HELLO , my pretty !!!!
    so sad i missed it ... truly BEAUTIFUL.. sort of ... in a creapy sort of way-ish.
