Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Pain in The ...

I am suffering from "OW! I can't move!" syndrome. This Fitness Buff stuff is quite the profession. I did a class at the gym today. Wow. I feel like someone liquified my glutes and quads. Who ARE these teachers of terror - these instructors of infliction - these harbingers of hell-fire... seriously, those instructors can beat the crap out of you, all the while smiling and telling jokes.

Funny story from Seth yesterday. We were in Superstore, shopping merrily along, when Abby announces she has to go to the bathroom. Now, if you've ever been in a public bathroom, you know it's a nasty necessity, but THIS one... words cannot express the stench that emanated from this room. Seth, Abby and I piled in there, holding our breath, and the dastardly deed was done. Phew! We go back to our cart and happily make our way to the opposite side of the store. Seth cries out, "Mommy! I have to go pee-pees!" I cannot believe it. No "stinking" way do I want to go back in there. I ask him,
"Are you kidding me??" (exasperation implied)
Seth replies in a very serious tone, "No Mommy. I'm not joking." I had to laugh at that.
We survived, but just barely. My sense of smell may not ever be the same. But then again, I am stinky. "If you don't know that by now, you will never never never know it, ooooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-oooh!"

1 comment:

  1. hahaha....loved that "But them again, I am stinky" funny. I was almost rolling on the floor from laughter. YOU crack me up!!!
    Way to go fitness buff!!
