Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hey Dearies,

It's been almost a year since my last post. I am the QUEEN of procrastination, and now I shall make no promises to continue, either.

To bring you up to date: since my last post, I have sold a house, bought a van, relocated, unpacked, and entered (for the 4th time) into the "Family WAY". In the midst of all that, I have found time to have a bit of fun and enjoy being here in our new (old) town. Brett is working (*gasp*) instead of going to school, and that is quite fun! Being in such a small place means he comes home for lunch, which Seth and I enjoy. He loves his work. At the moment, he's taking over for my doctor, which means if Baby Poulin rears his cute little head early, I would call him... and scream "YOU DID THIS TO ME, NOW GET IT OUT!!!" Heh heh heh.
I'm due March 5th, but I'm a C-Section gal, so the babe shall come March 1st, unless I can coax him out by other methods...but that never works for me, alas and alack...

I have a bone of contention about this whole state of pregnancy. Actually two. Two bones of contention.
#1. When you first get pregnant, more often than not you get morning sickness. WHY?????? You need the energy, you need the food, the baby needs the nutrients... WHY MUST WE PUKE? I don't get it.

#2. When you are in your third trimester and are as big as a whale, you can't sleep. WHY???? Again, you need the energy, because the little twerp is coming soon and you won't be able to sleep for months. Shouldn't you be able to sleep like the dead, since you are about to feel like the walking dead? I don't get that, either.

I've also had an interesting condition this time - everything I eat tastes like metal. Weird. I hear it has something to do with the amount of saliva in my mouth. I hope it goes away soon, since I DO love my food. All of you followers know that...

Name ideas, people? We've got one in mind, but I need to cover my butt and have a back-up. Ben was supposed to be Thomas, Abby was supposed to be Camille, and Seth was supposed to be Thomas... I need ideas.


  1. Jen so great to hear an update, congrats on the baby news. I have no great baby names to share..sorry. Are you keeping the gender a surprise? Glad life is treating you well.Enjoy baby's last week inside the womb.

  2. What fun to hear how life is going for you. We've been tempted to stop by out of the blue and check up on you guys. I hope all goes well in the next week with the baby. We'll have to visit a few months later on.
    As far as names go- here are some to mull over: Niclolas, Max, Jack, Jake, Carson, Mason etc. Keep us updated more. It's good to hear from you.

  3. posted. I love it and can't wait to meet baby poulin. i miss you terribly!!!!!! and yes...i KNOW HOW MUCH you enjoy food and baking. i love you
