Monday, March 8, 2010

Lonely Gal

"I'm just a poor [gal],
I need no sympathy..."

Name that quote. Or this one...

"...but I never complain!"

I know you know that one, Megan.

I miss my boy. The whole "single-parenting" thing is not my favourite, but I'll survive. I'm afraid I'm pulling out my teacher training from the back of my brain and being uber-strict for a little bit. I always find that if you start out strict for a little while, then everyone can relax later and have some fun.


  1. I so know what you mean! Dallin travels a lot (he is gone right now) and the single-parent thing gets old, really fast. I always find I am more strict and more uptight just because 1) my patience is thinner and 2) if I keep to a certain schedule and regimen then I feel more in control and like I can make it the entire time he is gone. Good luck to you - it is not easy. Try to get out for some time away from the kids - get a babysitter and go for a girls night out or to the movies or just out to run errands alone, it really helps to get that break!

  2. 2nd one - Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth's mother, Mrs. Bennet

    Am I right?
